Comunidade de Accións e Saberes

Education, Culture and Territorial Development

Artigo de investigadoras e investigadores da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo sobre proxectos de aprendizaxe-servizo na interseción entre a educación, a cultura e o desenvolvemento local.


Inspired by local arts community engagement initiatives and community arts interventions this
article aims to reflect on a model of service-learning that links the intentions, methodology and
purposes of these domains to promote student learning and benefit communities. It examines
the quality and content of higher education students’ learning in a pilot project located in Viana
do Castelo region. Data from student focus groups and academic essays were analysed in terms
of the discernible levels of students’ academic, personal and civic learning.

This critical reflection framework enabled students to articulate and deepen their learning,
demonstrating not only their societal leadership development but also their sense of social
responsiveness and responsibility. The findings prompt for further questions about both the
purpose and the impact of community service learning in higher education, as a model of
community engagement, on the key role of the arts and education in local social transformation.

Ámbito de ensinanza
Tipo de publicación
diálogos com a arte, 10